All tariffs include the following services:
- Storage space*
- Traffic (views, uploads, reports, followers ...)
- CPU-Power*
- Updates from master/dev nightscout
- Full managed Nightscout
- Monitoring of your Instanz
- Status page of the server (automatic fix)
- Import from another Nightscout site
- Import from external MongoDB database
- Import of CSV files (Libre, Omnipod, dexcom ...)
- Export as CSV
- Free choice of name
- Call over
- Selection of the supported Nightscout languages
- MongoDB backups (for 7 days)
- Backup of my.env (included in the DB backup)
- 99.0% uptime guaranteed
- Support: Only when it comes to 10be or Nightscout at 10be
- Support: Support of the upload configuration of the uploader apps*
- OLD Versions: no guarantee how long these can be supported
- When paying via Sepa, Klarna, etc., a manual renewal of the subscription is necessary
- The plugins boluscalc, boluswizard, boluzswizardpreview cannot be used
- Dexcom Bridge Plugin -> Is in the influence of Dexcom
- MMconnect Plugin -> Is in the influence of Medtronic
- Plugins for other services can only be supported to a limited extent
- MongoDB direct export is chargeable (14,99 euros per export)
What are your advantages?
Why am i doing this What do you have of it?
It will be chargeable from October 1st, 2021 because the operating costs have become too high.
A lot of people ask me whether I can help them or set up a nightscout server. This saves me a lot of work :-)
I try to automate the administration so much that you do not have to do much manual work anymore.
The 10BE site has existed since 2017 and is based on an ongoing project from 2007.
Data Privacy
The servers is located in Germany/Finland (EU, selectable).
A database backup is created every 6 hours and one from the server every night.
Retention time maximum 7 days.
The storage is also carried out twice on its own backup storage (no external access, pull process).
I will only access it if the user makes a request (e.g. has problems with the uploader app).
You can install Nightscout with a few clicks and use it directly and further customize it in the browser.
Automatic updates from Nightscout (Dev, Master, Old).
Older Nightscout versions can still be selected.
Monitoring the services (every minute) over in-house and externals Monitoring ->
Fast Support over Mail, Twitter, Facebook.
Full managed Nightscout.
You just have to click on the desired settings.
Data security
A backup is created every 6 hours and one is saved every night from the entire server and externally (pull process).
The cluster and MongoDB servers are protected by a firewall and are checked every day by external pentest tools.
All servers are checked for changes with tiger, rkhunter and chkrootkit.
Anomalies are identified with Fail2Ban and other filters.
What are the restrictions?
Names & MongoDB
No MongoDB admin panel.
The MongoDB database cannot be accessed from outside.
Each instance can be reached via "" with a freely selectable name, but with a random port.
By activating the option "withoutport", you can also do without the port.
Plugins & Updates
The plugins "bwp", "boluscalc" and "boluswizardpreview" cannot be activated.
The updates are only carried out automatically for large updates.
With smaller updates it is necessary to use "redeploy" to update its server itself.
It is intended as a pure data storage device (diary)! The Code is created from the nightscout community and not from 10be!
There are no claims due to errors or (non) use which can be asserted.
It is "shared", your instance can be found by trying it out.
It is therefore important to set the "Auth_Roles" to put on denied.
In the event of errors that the system does not resolve itself, a message to support is required.
Restore data from the backups made. Export to external MongoDBs
Create your own read-only MongoDB user, via which external access is possible.
The prices are calculated to cover the costs for operation and support.
If we should achieve significant surpluses, we will donate to
AndroidAPS and
Nightscout within the scope of the legal possibilities.
There is enough storage space, but the DB-size should not exceed 20GB.
CPU-power is not limited, but with intensive use it may be necessary to move instances from one cluster to another.
Support for configuration of the Uploader apps may be chargeable depending on the effort.