FAQ from ns.10be.de Nightscout Hosting

We have already put together some questions for you that come up more often:

In the past, the servers were largely sponsored, but this was discontinued at the beginning of the year :-(
As a result, the servers now have to be paid for after 5 years, which cannot be done privately and the sum of donations is not even enough for 10% of the costs.
Have you received an email from PayPal that your profile is no longer active and the subscription payment has been canceled?
Then you probably took out the subscription before September 19th, there was still a configuration error, which caused the cycle was only 1, or 3, or 6, or 12.
In this case, please log in to ns.10be.de Payments and take out the subscription again.
If an amount has already been debited, please send me your PayPal email address so that the amount can be sent back to you.
Yes, these will be deleted within a few seconds.
However, there is a backup of the Mongodb and MySQL databases for a maximum of 3 days, so that the data can be restored with great effort.
After the days when the server backups were overwritten, there is no more data and everything is completely deleted from the server/account.
There is no limit. However, a payment must be active for each instance, otherwise the instance/s cannot be used nen.
For example, if you want to use two instances and don't want to pay in advance, you have to pay 2 x 4.99 € = 9.98 € pay.
You have 15 instances, but only 10 payments, so you can only use 10 servers at the same time.
Please contact us. In theory this is not a problem, unless the change has to be made in my.env. This will be recreated after editing the server in the profile.
Yes, unless you have the "withoutport" option activated, then you can also call the instance without the port with only https://xxxx-dein-name-xxxx.ns.10be.de/:

enable nightscout Option withoutport
Please activate the option "withoutport", then the instance can also be reached directly via https:// without the port.
You can also contact us, then we can assign you a port manually.
The instance can only be used if there is a payment.
If you do not use the instance, you can cancel the subscription at the end of the term and only pay again when you want to use Nightscout again.
Check the time zone in the nightscout profile and correct it. Then create the reports again.
The problem can arise from a profile change and is known: https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor/issues/3659
If the instance is "running" stands, please wait another 10 minutes, then it should work again.
If it still doesn't work after 15 minutes, please edit the instance and save it again or click on "redeploy" once, then it should work again.
If it still doesn't work, please contact us.
under Linux with e.g. the following command:: mongorestore -h dsXXXXXX.mlab.com:XXXXXX -d databasename -u username -p dbpassword /your/path/dbbackup/nightscoutXXXX/
Alternatively, you can also import the database directly into a third-party database via DB export for a fee.
This is a local DNS problem. Here it simply helps to restart the mobile phone. If the message still comes after that, restart the DSL router.
We only offer Nightscout as a pure data storage/diary/information management software, which currently does not require approval.
This can happen if either the login details are incorrect or a pump newer than the 640G is used.
At Dexcom US, problems may arise which are recorded in the Server.log with: " Error refreshing token null 500
Code: 'SSO_AuthenticateMaxAttemptsExceeed',
Message: `Synchronization of SSO account during login failed. AccountId=......."
showing. See here on FB
Login to mlab/mongodb first: https://account.mongodb.com/account/login.
1. Then click on "Database" on the left, then 2. right click "Connect",
database connect

3. then on "Connect with mongodb shell", mongodbshell

and then 4. copy this between:
"mongodb+srv://" und "/myFirstDabase"
mongodb Hostname
That like e.g. cluster0.7fhhjbf.mongodb.net is then the Mlab DB Host.

You should know the database name, username and password. Otherwise you can also look for them from the Heroku "vars".
Then the checkbox at "Mlab ATLAS" activate, select the target instance and save.

If it doesn't work, please get in touch with us using the contact form. We will then help you with that.

Do you have any further questions?

Then don't be afraid to contact us!